Vorlagen für die Erstellung von Websites

Ab 25.3.21: UMFRAGE zum Thema Websiteerstellung

Tragen Sie sich in den Newsletter ein!

Algorithms for the web

Learn to create your own individual website from scratch: Use the instructions from WEBALGO.CH with templates to download for the construction and maintenance of your customized website as well as the operation of MySQLi databases with the scripting language PHP for download!

Would you like to have your individual website created by WEBALGO.CH? Contact me using the contact form! Would you like an appointment for a video conversation on Google Meet or Skype?

detect a mobile device and redirect width PHP

basic table in html

Show last modification of a file with PHP

Load content after click on checkbox with PHP

Load Facebok-chatbot in with PHP

Create a table in MySQLi

Connect width MySQLi

Read record from MySQLi

Read record from MySQLi according to conditions

WEBALGO: Learn algorithms and create, code a website

Tel. 078 770 47 10


Suchen in Datenbank:

Ganze Website durchsuchen:

Kleine rekursive Suchmaschine

Eine Suchmaschine von Werner Zenke

PHP und MySQL auf Ihrem PC/Laptop installieren:
XAMPP von APACHEFRIENDS.ORG (Link) herunterladen

XAMPP Control Panel

Verzeichnis für auszuführende PHP-Dateien auf dem PC/Laptop: C: > xampp

Verzeichnis (Browser) für Abruf auszuführender PHP-Dateien in Ihrem Browser: localhost/

Der PHP-Code:


PHPMyAdmin auf Ihrem PC/Laptop
In Ihrem Browser: localhost/phpmyadmin

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